During the installation of a fresh Windows Server 2008R2 machine with IE9 and TMG i ran into a nice script error.
Microsoft advises to use Windows Updates during the install of TMG, so after a handfull of reboots i also installed Internet Explorer 9, since we wanted to machine to be completely up to date.
After the installation of TMG i got the following error screen:
It’s a nice error message, but i can’t make something out of it, so just click yes.
Then the next message showed :
After clicking Continue … the TMG MMC is empty…
After some research i found a Microsoft forum thread about this problem and allthough you could uninstall IE9 … i tried this:
Open %Program Files%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\UI_HTMLs\TabsHandler\TabsHandler.htc with notepad (as administrator).
Go to line 354, 360 and 367 and add some forward slashes before m_aPages, like the screenshot…
Save it and restart the TMG mmc and it should open normally.
Source: microsoft.com